Home Events Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

Digital Technologies, cross-media audiences and transformation management

What tools for change can you develop and bring to your organisation?

"The direction that most companies need to go in is improving how they enable their people to collaborate with one another at much lower cost by dramatically reducing unproductive search and coordination costs. And that means deploying such devices as talent marketplaces, knowledge marketplaces, and formal networks to make intangible assets flow throughout the company, as opposed to going up and down vertical chains of command." Joanna Barsh, Director in McKinsey’s New York office, USA

Content outline

The plenary focuses on Transformation Management in time of technological transition:

  • recent trends in both production and distribution that will affect broadcasters in the next 3 years,
  • how digital technologies revolutionise the way audiences consume TV & Radio programmes and the way broadcasters make them,
  • transversal projects management & their impact on the organisation,
  • innovative Training & Development initiatives from EBU Members.


  • EBU Members only
  • Heads of training, development, and International Relations
  • Heads & Managers in charge of Talents, Strategy, Change Management

68 participants, incl. 21 speakers, 46 EBU Members from 26 countries

Overall satisfaction rating

Entirely satisfactory: 42.6%
Very satisfactory: 42.6%

Learning Outcomes

Quotes from participants

Quote from participant

Networking & exchange of experiences

  • The opportunity to meet colleagues from around the EBU
  • Les rencontres donc échange d'expériences concrètes
  • Networking opportunities, learn from others from cases and one-to-one conversations

The Transformation Management theme

  • Transformation management, particularly gave a couple of very good ideas to me.
  • Le thème général centré sur les transformations des radio-TV publiques...les témoignages, retours d'expérience sur les projets de changement.
  • Sessions on Thursday devoted to changes and to the management for change (including role of training).


  • It is a great opportunity to find out how different organizations try different approaches to various projects.
  • L'Assemblée permet les échanges et les comparaisons qui permettent de se situer et donner de nouvelles idées dans notre activité.

New platforms, UGC and media content

  • Réflexion sur la place des contenus dans les nouveaux medias; émergence des nouveaux métiers liés aux contributions du public.
  • Les rédactions multimédias de la BBC; les programmes pour enfants de la SVT.
Quote from participant



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Past Assemblies

2007, Athens
2006, Mainz
2005, Geneva
2004, Cracow
2003, Strasbourg



City Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden