21st Euroradio Assembly
The Euroradio Assembly is a unique and exceptional event allowing Members to share experiences, meet new colleagues and search for solutions to problems posed by the constant evolution of mass media.
Hosted by Polish Radio, the EBU will hold its 21st Euroradio Assembly in Warsaw. The current Euroradio Committee will end at the Assembly in Warsaw, when all 14 seats including Chair and three Vice Chairs are subject to election.
Content outline
Welcome speeches: Andrzej Siezieniewski, President of the Board, Polish Radio and The Mayor of Warsaw
Chairman’s Introduction to the conference
Keynote: The Battle for Public Service Media
Panel discussion and Q&A
Report of the Radio Unit and Expert Groups
The Battle of the Bands Part I: Broadband versus Waveband
Make Broadband part of your Sucess Story
EBU Theme Weeks
The Battle of the Bands Part II: DAB versus FM/Panel discussion and Q&A
Winning digital strategies
The Battle for Drivetime in the Connected Car
Fit for the Future – Restructuring at Members
Introduction of the new Media Director
Invitation to Euroradio Assembly 2016
Download full agenda
21st Euroradio Assembly (.PDF)
Related links
Euroradio Assembly on the EBU Community (EBU Members only)
Picture Gallery
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Polish Radio