Home Events Digital Storytelling Labs: Visit to SR Innovation and Hackathon in Stockholm
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Digital Storytelling Labs: Visit to SR Innovation and Hackathon in Stockholm

Photo: Brett Ascarelli / Radio Sweden

The fourth encounter of the Digital Storytelling Labs programme will take place in Stockholm on 21-23 March at the kind invitation of Swedish Radio Innovation. 

Day 1 (21 March): Visit to SR Innovation and group discussion at SR premises in Stockholm

SR Innovation will present their structure, route map, products, workflows, lessons learned, KPIs, next steps and challenges with the participants. As usual, the host Lab presentation will be followed by a group discussion to share feedback and experiences, as well as to continue defining next steps for the Network.
Inspirational speakers and case studies on the topic of the hackathon will complete the programme. The first day of the meeting will be followed by a networking dinner, where participants will be invited to share their first ideas for the two-days hackathon.

Days 2 & 3 (22-23 March): Digital Labs Hackathon at Färgfabriken premises in Stockholm

Hackathon topic and challenge

The topic of the hackathon will be the European Football Championships. With the aim to create an impact on society by finding new approaches and experiences around the European Football Championships that could fascinate our audiences, members of the Digital Storytelling Labs group have defined the challenge of the hackathon as follows:

  • How to transform the European Football Championships into new engaging digital experiences in order to connect people?
  • "Mobile-first" shall be the guiding force for all the answers to be studied and provided for the challenge.


Target users will be 20-35 years old, men and women, whether they are football fans or not.


The aim of the hackathon will be to produce an innovative prototype or concept for mobile tools, storytelling techniques and data gathering that will provide with an answer to the challenge of the hackathon, as well as a roadmap for implementation before June 2016.

By the end of the hackathon, teams will be asked to present and explain their concepts and ideas visually (prototypes or, at least, a very concrete design of infrastructure), including screencasts or how-to docs with practical examples of some of the basic functionalities to be designed for the product, draft standards and technical assessment (e.g. quality of available services, etc) for their proposals.

Venue and format

The hackathon will last around two and a half days and will take place in Färgfabriken premises in Stockholm. Participants will work in interdisciplinary teams to address the pre-selected challenge and prototype solutions for it.

The teams will be constituted in advance and will be requested to address the challenge with a user-focused approach.

Before the hackathon, the different teams will have brainstormed, pitched ideas, exchanged information and started working in their proposed solution to address the challenge. On site, teams shall have a lot of time to create the prototypes, test them to get quick feedback and improve their solutions.

The hackathon coaches will ensure that all participants understand the challenges from a user's perspective, in order to find an innovative and radical solution that has an impact on today's digital society.

Participants and profiles from EBU creative teams

  • Project leaders
  • Storytellers
  • UX designers
  • Graphic designers
  • Developers
  • User testers
  • Audience insight experts

Who can attend

All members of creative labs or innovation teams from EBU Members are invited to join this meeting. Interested participants should contact Madiana Asseraf (asseraf@ebu.ch) for more information. 


Registered participants will receive the information about the recommended hotel and the special rate negotiated by SR for the hackathon.


Day 1: Swedish Radio Headquarters (On invitation only)

Days 2-3 (hackathon): Lövholmsbrinken 1, 117 43 Stockholm





    Visit to SR Innovation

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  • Hackathon

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  • Proposal team 2 Members Only
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