Home Events Lunchtime Talk - Generation What: How 18-34 year olds feel about Europe (and many other things)
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Lunchtime Talk - Generation What: How 18-34 year olds feel about Europe (and many other things)

The EBU’s landmark Generation What Europe project has revealed how 18-34 year olds across Europe feel about a number of key areas affecting their lives including politics, immigration, national identity and their hopes for the future.

18 EBU Members – European public service media organizations - from 14 different countries have taken part in the project. Since its launch in April 2016 nearly a million young people have taken the 149 question survey focused on family, peers, self, society, the future, country and identity.

Join us for this EBU Media Lunchtime Talk on 26 April (12:30-14:00, lunch buffet included) where we’ll take you through how the survey was undertaken by broadcasters and show you key findings with focus on why Europe’s youth is losing trust in political institutions.

More about Generation What Europe can be found at www.generation-what.eu and on the Generation What YouTube Channel.


This talk will be moderated by BBC broadcaster Paddy O´Connell, and the panel will include:

  • Hélène Saillon – France Télévisions - Creation of the Generation What? Project & its implementation in France
  • Klaus Unterberger, ORF – Implementation of Generation What? Project in Austria
  • Maximilian von Schwartz, German sociologist – Analysis of Generation What? results
  • Maria Arena MEP – Reaction to the results of the Generation What? survey


  • Generation What Europe: Main Findings - Maximilian von Schwartz (Sociologist)