Home Events Maximizing Media Intelligence Virtual Meeting: International Relations
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Maximizing Media Intelligence Virtual Meeting: International Relations

We are launching this Members-only virtual meeting where EBU Members can share their experiences on how they acquire and use Media Intelligence materials. This includes how the Media Intelligence Service is used for your teams internally, as well as for other units in your company. 

This is a nice opportunity to be inspired by your peers and learn how others make the most of media intelligence. You will also be able to share your own thoughts on what the Media Intelligence Service offers you.

If you work in International Relations, do not hesitate to join the conversation.

Guest speakers

  • Asun Gómez Bueno (RTVE)
  • Zuzana Matějovská (Czech Radio)
  • Mira SuchowiejkoOpolska (Polskie Radio)


  • MIS User Survey presentation (Members) Members Only
  • Czech Radio presentation (Members) Members Only
  • Polish Radio presentation (Members) Members Only