Home Events DTI COVID Roundtable: Leveraging the Crisis for Transformation
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DTI COVID Roundtable: Leveraging the Crisis for Transformation

Working session to define a set of principles for post-COVID renewal

The post-COVID renewal period presents a unique opportunity for fundamental organizational transformation, with companies more open, flexible, and ready for change than ever before. Yet the window of opportunity will be brief. Bold decisions are needed now to leverage the crisis and ensure the experiences of the last six months help shape stronger organizations in the long term.

Our previous roundtable identified the need for clear messaging in this area. You are therefore invited to this meeting so that, together, we can shape our response.

The aim of this working session is to formulate and reach agreement on a set of key actions and/or principles that we believe PSM leaders should apply to their post-COVID strategy, to be published by and on behalf of the DTI community of EBU peers.

The purpose is to raise the sense of urgency for transformation, make clear the opportunities the crisis has created, and provide a framework for executive and strategic decision-making.

A working document will be distributed to the listed attendees in advance of the session. This will give us a point of reference for discussion and a base from which we can build.

If you're not currently associated with an EBU Member organization and would like to take part, please contact the DTI team.