Home Events European Digital News Monitoring Tool Demo
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European Digital News Monitoring Tool Demo

Sharing trusted public service online news via public service media (PSM) platforms among EBU Members would create unique value for the Members and audiences across Europe. Last spring, the EBU and 14 of its Member broadcasters started to pilot a collaborative way of sharing digital news content amongst themselves.

First for monitoring purposes internally in their newsrooms only, but also with a vision to explore possibilities to publish these news items in several languages across the participants’ platforms in the future.

There are currently 14* organizations on board, but the tool as a Beta Service will be open to all members participating in the News Exchange and EBU Members who do not participate in the Exchange but are willing to integrate their content into the monitoring tool (e.g. radio-only organizations). Each participating Member would need to agree to the specific Terms of Use.

Work on the pilot project is being led by the News Unit in cooperation with Technology & Innovation (T&I) and the Members Steering committee.

You are invited to join us for a live demo of the European Digital News Monitoring tool followed by an open discussion.

*RTBF, YLE, BR, DW, ARD/Tagesschau, ZDF, RTE, RAI, RTP, RTVE, SR, Swissinfo (SSR SRG), FranceTV, ARTE


  • EBU Digital news Monitoring Tool Demo Overview - News Pilot Project Team