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EBU Lead for project
Organized by the AI and Data Initiative (AIDI), this micro-workshop focused on AI, data and work logistics. We covered organizational matters that arise when bringing AI and data into a public service media organization including:
- recruiting talents
- creating links across departments
- putting teams and strategies together
- governance questions
The workshop included presentations from Florian Notter (SRF) on 'SRF AI Roadmap and AI Team visibility within the organization', and by the EBU's Legal & Policy department on the future impact of the EU's AI Act on AI-related organizational matters for PSM. The EBU's Media Intelligence Services also introduced their current work on a report on AI-related organizational strategies within the membership, to which participants were invited to contribute.
We also had structured group discussions, where we shared best practice as well as tips and practical information among Members.
Please contact Lalya Gaye if you are not yet an AIDI member and would like to take part in our workshops.