Gender Equality in public service media
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This special 90-minute session will follow International Women’s Day and will highlight our latest projects to tackle gender equality in PSM. You will receive updates on our Gender Equality workshop, which took place in Brussels on 8 February, and on the EBU’s ‘Women in Music – Celebrating Diversity’ project.
Elsa Arapi, EBU’s Women Sports Lead, will present an EBU collaborative project to produce Guidelines on Media Reporting of Cases of Harassment & Abuse in Sport. She will be followed by three speakers from EBU members who have already joined this Eurovision Sports project:
- Einar Jonsson, Sports reporter, RUV
- Vlado Veljanoski, Sports reporter, NOS
- Teresa Muñoz Guerra, Equality and Diversity Technical Officer, RTVE
Register now to join the event.
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