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Digital Services Act: Final recommendations from European Media Associations

21 April 2022
Fingers reaching towards a mobile phone, laptop in the background

As the Digital Services Act (DSA) inter-institutional negotiations conclude, European media associations reach out to the negotiating teams to share their final comments and recommendations, in a last call to safeguard freedom of expression online as well as the sustainability of digital editorial media offerings.

Media provides an essential service to European citizens and lawmakers must ensure that it is able to do so freely, broadly and fairly, safeguarded from interferences that would restrict their dissemination online, either by allowing removals of legal content or by limiting their sources of revenue.

We fear that there may be shortcomings in the final text and remind policymakers that political deadlines should not prevail over legislative quality. This might lead to legal uncertainty and jeopardise the objectives and the future-proofness of the regulation. As the original purpose of the Digital Services Package was to regulate the Digital Single Market so that all players would be able to thrive and to address the unprecedented gatekeeping power of global online platforms, we would like to draw your attention to remaining critical points of the DSA.

We highlight the need for more attention to:

  • online advertising
  • safeguards for fundamental rights
  • Know-Your-Business-Customer and brand attribution

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Thomas Bergmann

Senior EU Policy Adviser
