Home Events Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

The Assembly is the essential meeting for Training & Development leaders in Public Service Media.

During two days, you:

  • debate with experts on a selection of hot issues
  • pick up practical training and development ideas to take home
  • learn from your colleagues and build up your professional network

Live Blog

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>> Access the videos made by the UAB students

A live blog ran during the Assembly thanks to the contribution of the students at the Department of Communication Sciences Campus of UAB (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) and Julien Schiess, Social Media & Strategy Planning, at EBU Training.

The aim was to allow participants to have a new experience of the assembly and get a comprehensive coverage of the event.

Audience profile

  • Heads of Training & Development, heads of International Relations
  • Heads and Managers in charge of Talents, Strategy, and Change management

66 parcipants and 20 speakers, from 31 different EBU Member organisations.


  • Understand how to compete in a rough market and how to re-establish a proactive relationship with all our audiences.
  • Learn how to stimulate a training culture within the organisation and establish a flow of Training that meets both current and future needs.
  • Identify how to build partnerships with the academic institutions

Learning Outcomes

(Quotes from participants)


BBC: The chance to meet other PSBs staff and managers + EBU people, and learn about our common issues, solutions and processes; the chance for me to ask myself some questions about our own training plans.

RTS: Le focus des sessions sur des problématiques de formations à un niveau stratégique et en les abordant par des angles différents (par ex., médias sociaux, évolution des métiers).

ZDF: Link to strategy; topics have been "less" training and more strategyoriented. Excellent mixture between practice, target group "young people"



Content outline

2010 Focus: How do Public Media compete

Public Service broadcasters face increasing competition and, in many countries, their remit and position are being challenged by Public authorities & citizens. As Public broadcasters come under more scrutiny, they have to be more efficient, more creative and more useful.


Photo Gallery

Related Reading

Full Programme in English
Programme détaillé en français

Past Assemblies

2009, Geneva
2008, Stockholm
2007, Athens
2006, Mainz
2005, Geneva
2004, Cracow
2003, Strasbourg

Partners and Sponsors

instituto rtve


gabinete communicacion y educacion


Training & Development Community

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UAB, Barcelona, Spain