Erfurt Pre-School Item Exchange 2018
Contact us
Cheffe de projet principale
+41 22 717 2885
Programmes Exchange for pre-school magazines from the whole world.
Join the 2018 EBU Pre-School Item Exchange in Erfurt, Germany to discover the latest magazine formats for pre-school audiences (from 3 to 7 years of age) produced by television broadcasters. This screening and meeting takes place every year and is attended by EBU Members and broadcasters from around the world.
The Erfurt Steering Group and the EBU are working on revamping the event to make it a hub for experts in pre-school activities. One focus will remain on items screenings but with a new way to structure the discussions. This will allow more space for knowledge and experience exchanges on current topics such as Digital Transformation, Media Literacy, etc… The Pre-School Documentary Series 2018 production meeting will also be part of the Erfurt setup.
Please refer to the rules when preparing your entries: Erfurt Exchange 2018 Rules.pdf
Annexe 1 to be filled in and sent back to Karen ( by no later than 10 April 2018 (Annexe 1.docx).
To be filled in and sent back to both Silvia ( and Karen ( no later than 10 April 2018.
Annexes 2 and 3: One form per item/Info Show (Annexe 2.docx / Annexe 3.doc).
Information is available on Annexe 4 (Annexe 4.docx).
StudioPark Kindermedienzentrum (KMZ+).
Erich-Kästner-Straße 1, 99094 Erfurt
Pre-bookings at negotiated rates have been made in 4 different hotels in Erfurt. You are kindly asked to contact the hotel(s) directly to book your accommodation: Hotels in Erfurt .pdf