Accueil Événements Broadcasting reaches...
Réunions de groupes

Broadcasting reaches...

What ?

Short keynote presentations followed by a moderated discussion



Lieven Vermaele, EBU Technical Director and President of DigiTAG will present the new DigiTAG and explain why broadcasting, which reaches all communities and societies, will remain important in the future. 

Anthony Whelan (TBC), the new Head of Spectrum Unit of the European Commission, will share his views on the future of spectrum and the issues that need to be addressed by the broadcasting industry.


When ?

Thursday 6 june 2013, 12.30 – 14.00 over lunch (sandwich buffet)



The discussion on the future of spectrum continues amid increased pressure on traditional delivery channels. Broadcasting remains hugely important as it delivers content to a large number of households in Europe. The broadcast industry must be clear in planning future uses for spectrum to allow the industry to grow and develop in line with other digital media.

DigiTAG is a global organization bringing together broadcasters, manufacturers and network operators, promoting spectrum for broadcasting and bringing it back on the agenda of governments and administrations.

After meeting the broadcast industry in early 2013, Vice-President Kroes announced that a CEO-level group would be set up to look at the future of content delivery,

This event will look at the Commission’s spectrum policy plans and the future of broadcasting as part of the Digital Agenda. It will also cover Broadcasting reaches... an initiative addressing the following questions: 

  • Where is broadcasting on the media agenda?
  • Which industries support broadcasting today? 
  • Why does broadcasting remain important in today's media landscape? 
  • Whom does broadcasting reach?

Please reply to Christel Goossens,, before 5 June 2013


EBU Brussels office

Event contact

+32 2 286 91 15