World Radio Day 2014
"13 February is World Radio Day - a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves (...)" (source:
On this occasion, Euroradio encourages its Members to incorporate World Radio Day into their programme schedules, create dedicated music programmes around the event, send well-wishes to other broadcasters in Europe and set up interviews with decision makers on the importance of radio.
Supported initiatives
Tell the world why radio is important to you dropping here 60 second audio messages! Last year people from 48 countries left about 500 messages and were re-broadcast all over the world… Wanna be part of the greatest radio copoduction experiment ever? Start now! - See more here
Additional Event Details
Euroradio on World Radio Day 2013
World Radio Day group on EBU Community
(EBU Members only)
Christian Vogg
Head of Radio