Accueil Événements 8th News & Technology Seminar
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8th News & Technology Seminar

News studio at RTBF Headquarters (Courtesy of RTBF)

The News & Technology seminar is designed for delegates from both editorial and technical backgrounds. The focus will be on demonstrating and discussing how EBU members can make the best creative use of technical innovations and share best practices and solutions.

The 8th News & Technology Seminar will take place in Brussels, Belgium, at the kind invitation of RTBF. The two day meeting will begin on Tuesday 10th May and close at 16:00 on Wednesday 11th May.

Among the topics expected to be discussed and demonstrated are:

  • 360 Degree Camera
  • Enhanced Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Workload, Training and News Technology
  • Data Journalism
  • ECG validation project
  • HBB 2.0 TV
  • Newsgathering Tools
  • Transfer to Mobile
  • New Generation “Connected Cameras”

There will be a wide range of expert speakers and panelists as well as tours of the RTBF and VRT Newsrooms.

About the previous seminar

Last year 110 members attended the News & Technology seminar in Hamburg, to the kind invitation of EBU's German members ARD.


RTBF has kindly negotiated a preferential rate at Hotel Metropole.

EUR 158.28 per person per night.
Deadline for special rate is 31 March 2016.
Booking details are available during online registration. 


RTBF Headquarters
Rue Colonel Bourg 6
1030 Brussels, Belgium




    Day 1

  • SESSION 01 - Introduction by Benoit Balon-Perin Membres seulement
  • SESSION 01 - Introduction by Sarah Ward Lilley Membres seulement
  • How SVT sees 360 in the future - Johan Wahlberg – Head of Distribution Strategy (SVT)Membres seulement
  • Using 360 for storytelling - Filip Fastenaekels (VRT)
  • Zillah Watson - 360 VR News, a new way to tell stories - Zillah Watson – Editor, BBC Research & DevelopmentMembres seulement
  • Lost in mobile - Why newsrooms should focus on the phones and look past - Mika Rahkonen - Head of Development / Media Lab News and Current Affairs (YLE)Membres seulement
  • News in Video - The mobile challenge - Nathalie Malinarich - Mobile Editor BBC News 24/7 (BBC)Membres seulement
  • Newsgathering Tools - Which new tools are the most useful for News? - Morwen Williams - Head of Operations, Newsgathering (BBC) and Geoff House - Location Engineer, Newsgathering (BBC)Membres seulement
  • Day 2

  • ORF In-House Workflow & Toolkit to create new content from Open Source Data - Jakob Weichenberger - Data Journalist, News & Current Affairs (ORF)Membres seulement
  • Can we imagine editorial content driven by the needs of the audience rather than by journalistic experience - Pierre-Nicolas Schwab - Big Data/CRM Manager (RTBF)
  • Verification Network & Social News Gathering the EVNs - Anne-Marie Lupu - News Editor (Eurovision)Membres seulement
  • The EBU UGC Verification Network – an appraisal after 18 months - Michael Wegener - Head Content Center (ARD)Membres seulement
  • New features in HbbTV 2.0 - Klaus Merkel - Senior Engineer (IRT)Membres seulement
  • Practical HbbTV 2.0 Projects - Bettina Heidkamp - Head of Innovation Projects (RBB)Membres seulement
  • Workflow & Workload - How Technology is changing the way we work - Morten Brandstrup - Head of News Technology (TV2)Membres seulement
  • Workflow & Workload - How technology is changing the way we work - Robert Strand - Founder, Chief of Innovation, Wolftech Broadcast Solutions ASMembres seulement
  • Connected Cameras - The new generation - Morten Brandstrup - Head of News Technology (TV2)Membres seulement
  • Eurovision News - IPush and M2M Platform Update - Paul Calleja - News Technology Development Manager (Eurovision)Membres seulement
  • Videos

  • Subway bombing Membres seulement
  • Subway Bombing 2 Membres seulement
  • Report Moedlhammer Membres seulement
  • Klimakarte Membres seulement
  • Tschernoby ZiB100 Membres seulement
  • ZIB100 video Membres seulement
  • Session Video

  • Introduction - Benoit Balon-Perin Membres seulement
  • Introduction - Sarah Ward-Lilley Membres seulement
  • Introduction 360 and VR - Geronimo Akerlund Membres seulement
  • Using 360 for storytelling - Filip Fastenaekels Membres seulement
  • The view from BBC - Zillah Watson Membres seulement
  • How SVT sees 360 in the future - Johan Wahlberg Membres seulement
  • Panel Discussion - Geronimo Akerlund Membres seulement
  • Mobile News introduction - Justyna Kurczabinska Membres seulement
  • Lost in mobile - Mika Rahkonen Membres seulement
  • Welcome - Jean-Paul Philippot Membres seulement
  • ZIB100 - ORF News “to go” - Jakob Weichenberger Membres seulement
  • Newsgathering Tools - Morwen Williams, Geoff House Membres seulement
  • Introduction Day 2 - Sarah Ward-Lilley Membres seulement
  • Data Journalism Introduction - Benoit Balon-Perin Membres seulement
  • Data Journalism, how to unearth editorial treasures - Jakob Weichenberger Membres seulement
  • Data Journalism - Pierre Nicolas Schwab Membres seulement
  • UGC Validation project - Michael Wegener Membres seulement
  • Data Journalism Q&A Membres seulement
  • HbbTv2.0 - Roland Warmbein Membres seulement
  • HbbTv 2.0 - Klaus Merkel Membres seulement
  • Hbbtv 2.0 - Bettina Heidkamp Membres seulement
  • Connected Cameras - Morten Brandsrup Membres seulement
  • Connected Cameras - Tom Cocker Membres seulement