Accueil Événements Lunchtime Talk: How is Europe's media fighting fake news and disinformation?
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Lunchtime Talk: How is Europe's media fighting fake news and disinformation?

‘Fake news’ are arguably nothing new, but their impact on public opinion in the digital age is unprecedented. We are witnessing the emergence of an alternative culture of trust in news which is undermining the democratic debate.

Unbiased fact-checking and accurate reporting evidently need to prevail. Serious media outlets are stepping up the fight against ‘fake news’ and are already launching various initiatives to set the record straight. During our Lunchtime Talk, we will be giving the floor to public service media organizations and journalists to present how they are trying to make accurate facts and informed citizenship prevail in the digital environment. We will also open a broader discussion on how further media-based initiatives can act to rebuild trust in the media and counter the very worrying phenomena of fake news and disinformation.

To register, please write to Julie Lenoir (


  • Simon Wilson, BBC News Editor, Europe Bureau - "How BBC's Newsround explains fake news to children"
  • Eric Scherer, Director of Future Media at France Televisions - "Action plan to fight fake news"
  • Tanja Fajon MEPformer journalist and member of the EP Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


EBU Brussels Office
56, Avenue des Arts   
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

