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Season's Greetings from 27 countries via Euroradio

14 décembre 2016
Season's Greetings from 27 countries via Euroradio

Everyone loves the holidays! Since its launch in 2000, the Euroradio Folk Music Christmas/New Year Project has only grown in popularity.

The contributions from 27 countries in the 2016 edition range from a saxophone jazz quartet from Austria or a Spanish version of "Silent Night", to improvisations by a renowned virtuoso of the kokle (a traditional Latvian zither) or a modern twist on the Nativity by the Irish troubadour David Hope with typical Celtic wit and charm.

This compilation is offered to all music producers from EBU radio organizations, who are then free to design their own holiday programming and is available in MUS under FM/16/12/01/01.

The complete programme and tracklisting can be found here.

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