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Euroradio Members honoured at Svetozár Stračina Grand Prix

04 avril 2017

A seven-member international jury has just announced the winners of the Svetozár Stračina Grand Prix (SSGP), organized in Bratislava by EBU Member RTVS (Slovakia). At a gala concert on 31 March at Slovak Radio's Grand Studio, the Jury awarded the Grand Prix to Radio Romania Timisoara for a recording of traditional songs from Transylvania, featuring the "forest musician" Nucu Pandrea using the walnut leaf as an instrument (pictured). Special Awards went to Radio Russia for best folk recording in traditional form, to Bulgarian National Radio for best interpretation, and to Ireland's RTÉ for best technical level of recording.

The SSGP is a biennial competition aimed at promoting the creation of traditional and arranged folk music recordings and stimulating their international exchange. The nearly 50 entries from 15 countries for this year's edition will soon be available in MUS to all EBU radio organizations.

The three-day event illustrated the wealth of today’s folk and traditional music throughout Europe and beyond, ranging from a Swedish polska juxtaposed with Bach minuets or a love ballad from India, to an orchestra of tamburas (lutes) from Serbia or polyphonic Slovak Christmas songs.

Jury Chairman Oskár Elschek said: "Radio represents the oldest and most influential intellectual and artistic audio medium of our times. So the EBU plays a vital role as an artistic umbrella organization at this event."
SSGP Director Vincent Stonfaník, who is also Director of Radio Programme Services at RTVS, added: "Overloaded with information as we are nowadays, we should truly appreciate the values and qualities of folk art, and radio broadcasting has a significant role in this field."
The link for the Gala Concert and Prize Award Ceremony is available here. The compilation of all entries can be found here.


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