Portugal wins Eurovision Song Contest 2017
13 mai 2017Portugal has won the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Amar Pelos Dois” (Love For Two) performed by Salvador Sobral. It's the first win for Portugal who first entered the competition in 1964.
26 countries took part in the Grand Final of the world’s longest running annual television music competition, hosted by EBU Member UA:PBC on Saturday 13 May in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Luisa Sobral, Salvador's sister. wrote the winning song which finished the night with 758 points, 143 points ahead of 2nd placed Bulgaria represented by Kristian Kostov singing "Beautiful Mess". Luisa joined her brother for a reprise of the winning song on stage. Moldova with "Hey Mamma" finished in third place.
On winning Salvador said: "This is a victory for music - music is not fireworks - music is feeling - let's bring music back."
Following the performances of the 26 Grand Finalists, the results of the juries in the 42 participating nations who voted on Friday’s dress rehearsal were given out leaving Portugal in the lead.
This was followed by an exciting sequence where viewers’ televotes for each competing country were combined and added to the scoreboard resulting in a thrilling finale that saw Portugal score the most televotes as well to be declared the winner.
An estimated audience of 200 million will have seen this year's Contest which was broadcast live in the 42 participating countries and in China, Kazakhstan and Kosovo.
Viewers in the United States also saw the Grand Final live for the second year running on LogoTV.
The 26 finalists performed live in front of an audience of nearly 10,000 inside the International Exhibition Centre in the Ukrainian capital. In total, 42 EBU Members competed in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. 16 nations were knocked out in two Semi-Finals held on 9 and 11 May.
Ukrainian Eurovision winners Jamala (2016) and Ruslana (2004) performed new material during the interval between performances and voting.
The Director General of the EBU Ingrid Deltenre said, “We congratulate Salvador and Portugal on their win. We are thrilled after such a long participation that Portugal has deservedly taken the trophy. Tonight we have seen 26 artists who, true to this year's theme, have celebrated their diversity as well as embodying the values of the Eurovision Song Contest to bridge cultural differences and unite viewers through music.”
EBU Media Director Jean Philip De Tender said about the event: “This year’s Eurovision Song Contest has shown the power of public service media to create shared experiences that millions of viewers in over 40 countries can enjoy together. We are so proud of our team in Kyiv for delivering 3 incredible shows this week and look forward to begin planning next year’s competition in Portugal.”
Around 11,000 people were accredited at the event at on the day of the Grand Final. In total 212 tonnes of technical equipment and over 30 cameras were used inside the Arena to bring the show to the millions watching around the world. 8,000 man hours were spent preparing the event which used 18 Generators to power the venue. 212 microphones and 1816 lighting fixtures were also used on the production.
Over 1,300 journalists from 80 countries were also in the host city Kyiv to cover the event.
The 62nd Eurovision Song Contest was broadcast live in the 42 participating countries by EBU Members: ORF (Austria), PTV (Armenia), RTSH (Albania), ICTIMAI (Azerbaijan), BTRC (Belarus), VRT (Belgium), RTBF (Belgium), BNT (Bulgaria), HRT (Croatia), CyBC (Cyprus), ČT (Czech Republic), DR (Denmark), ERR (Estonia), YLE (Finland), GPB (Georgia), ARD (Germany), ERT (Greece), MTV (Hungary), RÚV (Iceland), RTÉ (Ireland), IBA (Israel), RAI (Italy), LTV (Latvia), LRT (Lithuania), RTCG (Montenegro), MRT (FYR Macedonia), PBS (Malta), TRM (Moldova), RTCG (Montenegro), AVROTROS (The Netherlands), NRK (Norway), TVP (Poland), RTP (Portugal), TVR (Romania), SMRTV (San Marino), RTS (Serbia), RTVSLO (Slovenia), RTVE (Spain), SVT (Sweden), SRG SSR (Switzerland), UA:PBC (Ukraine), BBC (United Kingdom) and Associate Member SBS (Australia).
19 EBU radio members broadcast the Grand Final live: BTRC (Belarus), BNR (Bulgaria), HRTR (Croatia), ERR (Estonia), BR, DKU, NDR, RB, WDR (Germany), RTÉ (Ireland), RAI (Italy), LRT (Lithuania), RTVS (Slovakia), Cadena COPE & SER (Spain), RTVS (Slovakia), SR (Sweden), UA:PBC (Ukraine), and the BBC (United Kingdom).
The 2017 Eurovision Song Contest was a co-production between the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and UA:PBC.
The full list and profiles of participants for the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest, with high resolution photos, can be found on the official website, Eurovision.tv.
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Dave Goodman
Attaché de communication – Concours Eurovision de la Chanson et Événements en direct