CASE STUDIES published on 03 Feb 2021

Transformation Peer Review: Radio Télévision Suisse

The Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI) has been developing a portfolio of new services with the objective to help EBU Members drive their digital transformation and build stronger, sustainable organizations fit for the digital future.

We have two models: The Digital Readiness Review is a fast, targeted, and agile service which provides quick, actionable results and recommendations, and the Transformation Peer Review, which delivers deep organizational analysis and insights.

The following report is the result of the Transformation Peer Review pilot carried out with Swiss Member Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) over 2019-2020. The full review is a six-month process involving EBU permanent staff working in a team with senior professionals from EBU Members. It is conducted in three stages:

  • Self-Assessment Survey covering the full range and breadth of the transformation equation. The results of this define the team selection and format and aims of the on-site visit.
  • On-site Review in which the team observe the dynamics, operations, and culture of the organization first-hand.
  • Report and Recommendations capturing the findings of the review, setting out first steps and priority actions, and proposing a series of follow-up activities.

The Transformation Peer Review is designed to facilitate organizational learning for the participating Member. As such, the observations, conclusions, and recommendations in the report are intended to provide RTS with an insight into its current situation in order to enable them to chart their own way forward.

The report opens with a general overview of RTS today, with detailed findings and recommendations from the review. This is followed by detailed analysis through the lens of the DTI Enablers framework: Audience First, Relevance & Impact, Strategic Partnerships, Leveraging Data, Embracing Technology, Continuous Innovation, Digital Leadership, Organizational and Cultural Change, and Skills & Talent Management.

This review was a collaborative process between the EBU and RTS in which both parties learnt from one another. It was the first time the DTI framework and methodology were strength-tested at this level of analysis with a single EBU Member, and we thank RTS and the Peers for embracing this collaborative aspect of the project so fully.

Publishing the review report is essential to the project, ensuring that best practices and operational principles are shared across the Membership, and helping make the case for digital transformation more widely.

For more information on these services please contact Sasha Scott