Home Events Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

Eurovision ACADEMY Assembly

Learning transfer & Talent management in the digital culture

The impact of digital culture: how broadcasters become “learning organisations and find new ways to organise learning transfer and stimulate talents.

Managers can no longer think in terms of separate working entities but more in terms of integrated workflows and transversal networks.

Staff members are part of complex digital production systems: it requires multi-skilling, knowing your place in the chain and a good understanding of your colleagues’ job.    

Broadcast organisations rely on new combinations of skills and competencies: Soft skills such as team-playing, project management, communication, life-long learning and the ability to share your knowledge with your colleagues are as important as the hard skills acquired during higher education and which need constant updating.


To highlight what the emergence of “digital culture” means for Training & Development managers in broadcasting organisations:

  • a new role as facilitator and provider of tools for change,
  • alternative ways to scout new talents,
  • different approaches to training staff and middle management promoting cross-fertilisation.


DAY I: Focus on the topic "Learning Transfer and Talent Management in the Digital Culture".

DAY II: Focus on EBU International Training activities 2006-2007 and objectives for 2008.


70 participants including 35 EBU members from 29 countries

Overall satisfaction rating: Entirely satisfactory: 58.5%  /   Very satisfactory: 39%

Learning Outcomes

(Quotes from participants)

Quote from participant

The presentations were very interesting and the moderators of the workshops very good, dedicated, eager to share their experience.

The topic was very timely and participants appreciated the concrete case studies which illustrated the theme.

The presentations to be seen in Athens and the topics that International Training offers members show that they have their noses to the wind – and we know that the ‘wind of change’ is blowing strong in this sector. But more than that: the array of human resources executives and training managers who met in Athens, coming from as far afield as Albania and the USA, was impressive and truly inspiring.

As a newcomer I have to say that this event surpassed my expectations - in terms of both content and organisation, and ambiance of the informal exchanges between the participants. I believe that the contacts I made during this Assembly will be very valuable for my work in the future. I am very happy to have finally met both of you, Nathalie and Corinne, in person after months of only e-mail communication.
Also I appreciate highly the possibility of such an intense exchange of know how with experts from prominent European broadcasters as well as with representatives of well known companies. After summarising what has been presented during the Assembly....

Quote from participant



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Past Assemblies

2006, Mainz
2005, Geneva
2004, Cracow
2003, Strasbourg



Holiday Inn, Athens, Greece