Home Events Eurovision Academy Assembly 2014

Eurovision Academy Assembly 2014

The Eurovision Academy Assembly is the essential forward-looking annual meeting for training, and development managers as well as business managers who are their partners in each EBU Member organization. It aims to shape concrete avenues for successful and relevant public media organizations and promote high standards at all levels of public service broadcasting.

This year, we will focus on: Public media and digital audiences: be innovative and keep on learning

Who it's for

  • Talent and development managers
  • Chief learning officers
  • Heads of international relations & human resources
  • Strategy and change Managers
  • News & programme departement managers


  • Review Eurovision Academy Committee work and past Eurovision Academy activities
  • Address key public service media issues through presentations & case studies
  • Inspire managers by means of thorough and focused debates
  • Identify best practices and ideas (format & content) in the media training & development sector
  • Introduce strategic issues for the years to come and future Eurovision ACADEMY programmes
  • Identify EBU Members' training & development trends & needs
  • Provide a sustainable professional newtorking platform for the EBU community of people in charge of training and development

Content outline

Session 1: Innovative public service programmes

Session 2: How trainers and development professionals contribute to excellence in programming

Hands-on break-out session:
1. Shooting video with an iPhone
2. Everything you always wanted to know about Twitter but were afraid to ask
3. Low-cost production

Eurovision Academy
1. Committee report
2. Executive programme
3. Best of digital media literacy programmes

Session 3: Journalists as intrapreneurs

Session 4: The changing media landscape

Session 5: The smartphone revolution, a dynamic shift in the way people use and consume media


Assembly moderator


Martina Chapman, Eurovision Academy faculty



Dr Emmanuel Mallia, Minister for Home Affairs & National Security, Malta


Dr Tonio Portughese, Chairman, PBS, Malta

Keynote speech

Peter Salmon, Director, BBC England, EBU Executive Board member

Peter Salmon, Director, BBC England, EBU Executive Board member

Session 1: Innovative public service programmes


Olivier Evrard, Journalist/Producer, RTBF, Belgium

Jean-Pierre Jacqmin, Director of News and Sports, RTBF, Belgium

Jean-Pierre Jacqmin, Director of News & Sport, RTBF, Belgium


Brendan Miller, Series Producer, Current Affairs, BBC/Mentorn Media


Marcello Bonventre, Head of Digitale Garage

Session 2: How trainers and development professionals contribute to excellence in programming


Moderator: Uli Koschwitz, TV journalist, consultant, Training department, ZDF, Germany


Magdalena Kauz, Deputy Head of Education Department, SRF, Switzerland


Saija Uski, Head of Development, Human Resources Development, YLE, Finland


Barbora Smutná, Executive Director of Human Resources, Czech TV, Czech Republic

Hands-on break-out session


Mark Egan, Eurovision ACADEMY Faculty


Justin Kings, Eurovision ACADEMY Faculty


Anne-Marie Lupu, News Editor, Eurovision

Eggert Gunnarsson, Producer/Director, RUV, Iceland

Eggert Gunnarsson, TV Producer/Director, RUV, Iceland

Eurovision Academy


Mark Wray, BBC, UK, Committee Chairman


Nathalie Labourdette, Head of Eurovision Academy


Frédéric Frantz, Business Training Manager, Eurovision Academy

Session 3: Journalists as intrapreneurs


Moderator: Anne Morrison, Director, BBC Academy, UK


Linn Hellstrand, Project Manager, Sports department, SVT, Sweden

Benoit Califano, ESJ Montpellier, France

Benoit Califano, Director, ESJ Montpellier, France

Marta Cerava, LTV, Latvia

Marta Cerava, Chief Content Editor lsm.lv, LTV/LR, Latvia

Erwann Gaucher, FTV, France

Erwann Gaucher, Deputy Director France Télévisions Editions Numériques, FTV, France

Session 4: The changing media landscape


Hans Hoffmann, Senior Manager of Media Fundamentals & Production, EBU Technology & Innovation

Session 5: The smartphone revolution, a dynamic shift in the way people use and consume media

Glen Mulcahy, RTE, Ireland

Glen Mulcahy, Innovation Lead, RTE Technology, Ireland

David Gustafsson, Project Manager, Production Development, SR, Sweden

Eivind Undrum Jacobsen, News Editor, NRK, Norway

Eivind Undrum Jacobsen, News Editor, NRK Nordland, Norway


Radisson Blu Resort, St. Julian’s Malta




Eurovision Academy Assembly puts need for PSM innovation in spotlight