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World TV Day

Honouring a medium that holds a central place in the lives of millions of people, and highlight the many services it offers in this era of multi-screening

In 1996 the United Nations proclaimed an annual 'World Television Day' on 21 November, in recognition of the medium's power, globally, to engage the public with the major issues that affect them.

This year the EBU - along with commercial TV associations ACT and egta – is supporting this initiative, and is inviting its Members to consider broadcasting a short video clip on their networks on that day.



On Air Campaign

Additional Event Details

Further information can be obtained by visiting www.worldtelevisionday.tv

Broadcasters can access to the clip together with full instructions for its use by downloading UN World TV Day factsheet (.pdf)


Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) 
Association of Television and Radio Sales Houses (egta)