Lunchtime Talk: Investigative Journalism
A moderated panel discussion in Brussels followed by audience debate on how investigative journalism works in practice, and how it is evolving in today's global environment.
What does it mean in practice to carry out investigative journalism today? What conditions are necessary to offer journalists an optimal environment to undertake their work? How are global networks changing the game?
Journalists must often operate in difficult environments where neither their safety nor the independence of the media from political or financial interests are guaranteed.
Today, journalists must overcome increasingly tough constraints in terms of time, budget and human resources. The fact that information is now watched, listened to, read and shared online worldwide has changed the way investigative journalism is carried out and the way results are disseminated. Recent revelations on Swissleaks by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) illustrate how journalists are leveraging international networks to develop innovative and efficient collaborative investigation methods.
The panel will include:
- Tania Milevska (Moderator), EU Affairs Correspondent for Meta News Agency, freelance journalist specialized in EU affairs
- Tanja Fajon, MEP, former Brussels correspondent for RTV Slovenia (TBC)
- Nils Hanson, Editor in Chief of Uppdrag Granskning (Mission Investigate), SVT
- A journalist from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) (TBC)
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EBU Brussels Office, Avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels
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