Digital Innovation Labs Programme: Visit to RTVE Lab
Contact us
Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Initiatives
+41 22 717 2230
The programme consists of a series of visits to the existing digital innovation labs within EBU Members. The visits are opento EBU Members working with digital innovation.
Being present on all platforms to reach the digital generation wherever they are is the way for public service broadcasters to fulfil their function of reaching all of their audience. But the ‘what’ is done online or on-air is not the most important to reach younger audiences: it is the ‘how’ this is done that matters.
Offering our audiences relevant and high-quality content above all to guarantee the excellence and raison d’être of public service media, combined with an open mindset that fosters creativity and innovation; a mindset that is not scared of taking risks and sometimes failing. Indeed, failure is part of the innovation process; perhaps even the most important part of it.
The Digital Innovation Labs programme is the first EBU service launched after the Y-NOW analysis stage. The programme consists of a series of visits to the existing digital innovation labs within EBU Members. The visits are open to other colleagues working with digital innovation and aim at fostering the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field. The hosting lab presents its structure, workflows, work produced to date and integration within the organization and traditional broadcast, and then all visiting Members are invited to share feedback and their own experiences. Every visit leads to a workshop around the topics of digital innovation and new ways of storytelling, where Members will be encouraged to share ideas and discuss opportunities to collaborate in the field.
The first of the series of visits will take place in RTVE Lab in Madrid on 16th June. Documentation gathered during the meeting will be shared with the wider EBU Membership end of June.
Confirmed participants
RTS digital lab
DW Digital Innovation Unit
SR Digital Innovation team
VRT Start-Up
Participation upon invitation only. Please contact Madiana Asseraf for more information.
RTVE, Madrid, Spain
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Event Summary
'Digital Storytelling Programme kicks off in Madrid', by radiomike on