Home Events 10th News Assembly

10th News Assembly

Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti presenting at the annual News Assembly

The 10th edition of the News Assembly took place at the Berlin Congress Centre, at the kind invitation of ZDF. The annual News Assembly offers news directors, editors in chief and foreign editors the opportunity to network and to exchange views about improving coverage, reducing costs and adapting to the changing media market.

The presentations and videos below are reserved to EBU members with a valid login.


Berlin Congress Centre


Activity Report 2014-2015: News


Germany - ZDF.jpg


  • Gunnar Hoidahl Award for Excellence in the News Exchange Members Only
  • Panel discussion on journalism in the post-Snowden era Members Only
  • Innovating your organisation for a digital future - Michael Maness, Innovator-in-Residence at Harvard Business SchoolMembers Only
  • Bellingcat method - Andrew Haggard, Blogger, BellingcatMembers Only
  • Presentation of the Candidates to the News Committee Members Only
  • Europe's refugee crisis - Hans Rosling, Professor of International Health and co-founder of Gapminder foundationMembers Only
  • Panel Discussion on the Refugee Crisis Members Only
  • The slow revolution - Carl Honoré, Journalist and AuthorMembers Only
  • Engaging science reporting - ESA Astronaut, Samantha CristoforettiMembers Only
  • Interactive Eurovision News Strategy Members Only
  • News Dimensions P1 Members Only
  • News Dimensions P2 Members Only
  • 10th News Assembly Closing Members Only
  • DR News X - Naja Nielsen, Deputy Head of News, DR & Jacob Botter, Digital Innovator, DRMembers Only
  • Engaging Science reporting - Samantha Cristoforetti, AstronautMembers Only
  • Current Affairs for the New Generation - Mika Rahkonen, Head of Development, YLEMembers Only
  • Politbox - Konrad Weber, Editorial Leader Politbox, SRG SSRMembers Only
  • Google News Lab - Matt Cooke, UK, Ireland & Nordics Lead, Google News LabMembers Only
  • UGC Verification - Michael Wegener, Head of Content Center, ARDMembers Only
  • 47 Stones - Sara Alonso, New Media Manager, EBUMembers Only
  • The slow revolution - putting the breaks on work, life and the news - Carl Honoré, Journalist and AuthorMembers Only
  • How storytelling leads to impact journalism in the newsroom - Tim Verheyden, Chief Storyteller, VRTMembers Only
  • VW - Not just another scandal? - ann-Katrin, Johannsmann, Editor of Economic Desk, NDRMembers Only
  • Videos

  • 10th News Assembly Opening Members Only
  • Keynote - by Vivian Schiller, former Head of News at TwitterMembers Only