Home Events Super Execs 1st alumni reunion
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Super Execs 1st alumni reunion

Czech Television Director General Petr Dvorak, alumni of the first intake of the Eurovision Academy Executive Programme, is pleased to invite all participants from intake 1 and 2 to the first Super Execs Alumni Reunion.

Professor Mike Rosenberg from IESE Business School will be the keynote speaker.

Media Executive Network

After two intakes, the Executive Programme alumni group has formed a Media Executive Network at the top level.

Alumni activities include:

  • An annual alumni reunion where all former participants meet to work together on common projects
  • A shadowing project to “cross-exchange” jobs with another alumni for a few days
  • A closed Facebook page where participants share news, relevant articles and ideas


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

16:30 – 18:00 Keynote by Mike Rosenberg, IESE Professor
20:00 Dinner at Aureole restaurant

Thursday, 21 January 2016

09:00  Workshop moderated by Mike Rosenberg, IESE Professor
13:00   Lunch at CT
15:30   End and departure of the Alumni

Keynote speaker

Mike-Rosneberg, Assistant Professor, IESE Business School, USA

Mike Rosenberg is Assistant Professor of strategic management at IESE Business School. He teaches long-term strategy, scenario planning and analysis of business problems in IESE's MBA, Global Executive MBA and executive education programs.

Rosenberg's research is concerned with how long-term technological and socio-economic trends affect the business climate and has a particular interest in the potential of alternative energy sources to change the competitive dynamics of a number of industries, including the automotive sector.

Prior to joining the faculty, Rosenberg worked as a management consultant to the international automotive industry for Heidrick & Struggles, A.T. Kearney and Arthur D. Little. Read more


EUR 300 per participant

The fee covers Wednesday dinner and Mike Rosenberg's fees. Thursday’s lunch is offered by Czech TV.


Eurovision Academy does not make hotel reservation. However Czech Television has kindly made a block booking at the hotel Panorama.

To book a room, please complete the online booking form.

Booking deadline: 5 Jan 2016


Czech Television
Na hřebenech II 1132/4 Kavčí hory
Czech Republic





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