Big Data: A game changer for public service media?
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Events Specialist
+41 22 717 24 06
It’s no secret that the media sector is increasingly looking at the potential of big data as a key element in the relationship between media and audiences.
Used appropriately, it can help public service media (PSM) to:
- better understand audience expectations by means of calibrated audience measurement
- develop recommendations and personalized offers
- enrich editorial content and storytelling, and make informed programming choices
However, big data is not only about technology: there is an issue of trust. Legal requirements and advanced market development strategies need to be carefully considered if PSM is to derive benefits from using big data, rather than costs.
Crucially, big data is also a challenge for PSM’s identity and distinctiveness: how can it remain relevant for all and contribute to an inclusive society – as defined in its remit – in an environment that champions personalized services for segmented audiences? Are new management practices, mindsets, or specific skills needed?
Who it's for
The EBU would like to develop a community, bringing together delegates from across the board for the first time. Whether it is heads of digital, marketing, legal, editors or communications– we want to look at inspirational experiences, share best practices for big data media strategies and find genuine ways forward.
Day one offers delegates the opportunity to gain insight and expertise from a variety of top-level speakers.
The second day is for Members to exchange views and ideas during participative sessions.
Take a look at the Big Data Agenda to see what's in store.
EBU Big Data week
As part of #EBUBigData week, we are also organising the following events during the week of 21-25 March in Geneva:
EBU-RTS (Big Data) Hackathon
On 23-24 March, in connection with the conference, the EBU's Media Online team and Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) will host the EBU-RTS (Big Data) Hackathon. This will bring together data scientists, designers, developers, data journalists and other experts to build prototypes and explore new solutions for gathering and analysing information about Europe’s migration crisis. EBU members are welcome to join us for this opportunity to learn, share, network and collaborate to create meaningful data visualizations, new approaches to data journalism and data tools for the newsroom and other programming.
Academy Master Class on using data in news
The day before (21 March) this conference, the Eurovision Academy is offering a Master Class for researchers and news professionals dedicated to audience research - looking at how qualitative research is needed to complement big data in order to fully understand audiences and adapt news strategies accordingly. Join us for our "Measuring Success: Data analytics need audience research" Master Class.
Day 1 : Open/Public
Day 2 : EBU Members only
Starling Hotel Geneva booking form
(book your room before 22 February 2016)
EBU Headquarters
L'Ancienne Route 17A
1218 Grand-Saconnex