Big Data Initiative Workshop: Data Driven Business and Technologies
EBU members met in YLE headquarters in Helsinki to discuss and learn about the use of data-driven technologies such as cloud computing and data-hosting online platforms to support data-driven strategies for Public Service Media (PSM).
Case studies and practical experiences presented by external speakers and EBU members offered participants the possibility to assess which technologies may be best adapted to support PSM strategies in the area of big data and reinforce users' trust. The legal aspects of data use and hosting services were also carefully examined.
Antonio Alvarez, Business developer manager at Amazon Web Services presented how cloud computing services can help organizations implement big data strategies, notably by lowering costs and making it easy to store and manage data. He also recommended that any organization should be ready to test and try different solutions as there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution.
Following this broad overview, Data Science Architect Timo Aho notably showed how YLE a cloud computing solution is successfully supporting an interdisciplinary YLE team’s work on data analytics, processing and security.
More attention on privacy and security issues related to online technologies was drawn by Harri Kilijander, Director Privacy Protection of F-secure, a European cyber security company. Kilijander addressed the way data can be stored and treated in line with a user-friendly and transparent privacy policy. He recommended PSM organization to set up trust principles in order to enhance their transparency and strengthen their relationship with audiences.
SOK Media’s developer manager Kai Kuikkaniemi highlighted the various challenges to reach high standards of data protection and user privacy set out by the newly adopted EU General Data Protection Regulation. Reflecting on his experience when re-adaptating SOK Media’s business model to data and privacy, he argued that it is essential to raise awareness on data ethics issues to promote a more human-centric approach to data.
Jarno Koskimäki, lawyer expert in data protection at YLE also presented YLE’s vision to privacy suggesting possible data principles that YLE, as well as other PSM, could implement to efficiently use data in full compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and support the public service remit.