Home Events 13th Legal and Public Affairs Assembly

13th Legal and Public Affairs Assembly

The 13th session of the EBU Legal and Public Affairs Assembly will take place in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) at the kind invitation of RTVE, 6-7 April 2017.

Our event in Spain will include an expert panel to debate the increase of fake news on social media sites and the risk that these, along with filter bubbles, present to media pluralism and democracy. We will bring Members up to date on EBU projects such as the Big Data Initiative and provide Members with information on the latest legislative developments at the European level in copyright, AVMS and telecoms.

This Spring we will also hold elections to the Legal and Policy Committee for a new two-year term.

The Assembly meets twice a year, bringing together Members' legal advisors and public affairs experts. It approves the annual priorities, objectives, goals, official positions and action plans in the legal and public affairs sector. It also provides a platform for exchanging and sharing information and expertise. The Assembly is open to Members and Associates of the EBU.


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  • Thursday, 6 April
  • Fake news and filter bubbles: possible regulatory answers - Michael WagnerMembers Only
  • Fake News - Post-truth society under the lens of Science - Walter QuattrociocchiMembers Only
  • Fake news and filter bubbles: possible regulatory answers - Elmar ThevessenMembers Only
  • Fake news - Filter bubbles and beyond - Natali HelbergerMembers Only
  • Fake News - Martin Gouesse, FTMembers Only
  • Review of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive - Wouter Gekiere and Jenny WeinandMembers Only
  • Future of the Council of Europe Convention - Michael WagnerMembers Only
  • Member Updates - NRK - Olav NyhusMembers Only
  • EU Copyright Reform - Nicola Frank and Heijo RuijsenaarsMembers Only
  • Telecoms Review - Anne-Catherine Berg and Wouter GekiereMembers Only
  • dot.radio promotion information - Graham DixonMembers Only
  • Friday, 7 April
  • EU State Aid Rules - Konstantina BaniaMembers Only
  • Big Data Initiative: big data week and perspectives - Guillaume KlossaMembers Only
  • Data update: GDPR and E-Privacy - Anne-Catherine Berg and Jenny WeinandMembers Only
  • Swedish case - TELIA, Facebook, Zero Rating - Jimmy AhlstrandMembers Only
  • Net neutrality and zero rating - Anne-Catherine Berg, Wouter Gekiere and Hannah GraflMembers Only