Home Events Encounter of (Big) Data Journalists at Prix Italia
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Encounter of (Big) Data Journalists at Prix Italia

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Several European public broadcasters are bringing data at the heart of their journalism strategies. Some others have not started working on the topic yet, but they show a clear interest in starting exploring it.

Data can help us to fight fake news; to tell complex stories in simple ways; to turn figures into stories; to understand our audience better and to produce content that is more relevant and easy-to-understand for them. Emerging technologies like AI and automated tools are also changing the way we use data to design, produce and distribute our news and journalism content.

The potential of (big) data and AI tools for public broadcasters to produce quality journalism and to be more relevant to our audiences is clear. How can we learn from each other’s experience? What projects, services and tools are being used or explored? Do data matter? What are our common challenges in the field? What skills do we need to develop in order to make the best out of AI and automated journalism? What should be the role of public broadcasters concerning the EU Open Data Policy? What could we do together to become stronger?

These are some of the questions that we aim at discussing at the first encounter of EBU (big) data journalists.
The 1st EBU encounter of (big) data journalists will take place under the frame of Prix Italia Festival 2017.

The encounter will be a working meeting, private for representatives from public broadcasters only. The detailed agenda (.PDF) will be flexible, as priority will be given to open discussions. The main objective of the day will be to identify synergies and to propose collaborative solutions to work on together in 2018. 


Prix Italia, the world’s oldest and most prestigious Radio, TV and Web Competition, first launched by the Italian State Broadcaster Rai in Capri in 1948, is this year taking place in Milan between 29 September and 1 October.

Prix Italia, promoted by Rai, is under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and is attended by major international broadcasters. This year’s theme is “Back to Facts”.
Programme of the Prix Italia festival (.PDF)


Big Data is a central theme for public service media (PSM) today, especially when it comes to strengthening and personalizing our relationship with citizens.

Understanding cross-platform audiences, creating powerful data journalism stories, enhancing the audience experience, boosting content creation via data-driven editorial production and programming, streamlining business processes and identifying new products and services to offer well adapted big data strategies can help public service media organizations in many different ways.

This is why the EBU has launched a strategic ‘Big Data Initiative’.
For more information about the initiative, please visit the EBU dedicated webpage.


Big Data News and current affairs are core to public service media (PSM). Informing all audiences with independent news and helping them to better understand the world is crucial for a democratic society.

However, today’s newsrooms are facing a myriad of challenges and how they tackle them will be key to the survival of PSM and, arguably, the very future of democracy itself.

For many decades, the EBU has played a critical role in supporting Members to deliver high-quality news. The aim of the EBU Quality Journalism Initiative is to build on the strength of the Eurovision newsroom, to develop new services and to act as the voice of high quality news provision.

For more information about the initiative, please download the EBU report “The Perfect Storm”


Registration to the 1st EBU Encounter of Big Data Journalists (on invitation only) can be done directly via e-mail to Madiana Asseraf (asseraf@ebu.ch).

However, accreditations for Prix Italia need to be requested in advance in order to avoid long queues at the desk. We therefore encourage you to register here (please follow the option “OTHER MEETINGS PARTICIPANT”).


Prix Italia has kindly negotiated special rates at several hotels of Milan for all Festival participants.
Reservations must be made directly with the hotels, mentioning that they are made in the name of Rai, in order to benefit from the special rates.
Download the list of hotels with special rates (.PDF)


Prix Italia Headquarters are located in Milan’s main square, Piazza del Duomo, near the Cathedral, in Palazzo Giureconsulti:
Palazzo dei Giureconsulti
Piazza dei Mercanti
2, 20123 Milano MI

The 1st EBU Encounter of Big Data Journalists will take place on 30 September  (09.30 to 16.30) in Meeting Room C. 

