EBU Local & Regional Radio Seminar
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Editor, Live Music & Projects, Popular Music
+41 22 717 2613
The next EBU Local & Regional Radio Seminar will take place on 13-14 June in Brussels at EBU Headquarters, Avenue des Arts 56. Deadline for returning the attendance form: 31 May 2019.
The following themes will be illustrated by case studies:
- Centre vs. Local / Centralization vs. Autonomy
A very important and recurrent subject: the organizational structure enabling broadcasters to optimize and limit costs and provide what they are meant to provide: quality, specific and relevant local and regional programming.
- Understanding and adapting to current media listening habits
Traditional and new ways in making the local and regional content accessible. As people can access media on so many different platforms today, how can we help them to find local and regional programmes?
- Serving (“minority”) communities
The United Nations has declared 2019 the Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness of the important contribution they make to our societies. Many local and regional EBU broadcasters play a crucial role in this field. Beyond the question of minority languages, it is also the important question of serving minority communities.
- The case for Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)
At a time when PSB is sometimes criticized, even threatened, the LRRS would also be a good opportunity to focus on the specifics of PSB with the input of the EBU Media Intelligence Service (MIS) for a pan-European overview.
- The crucial importance of quality journalism
- Inspiring cases and projects one should know about – success stories
EBU Headquarters, Avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels