EBU Eurosonic Conference
Contact us
Editor, Live Music & Projects, Popular Music
+41 22 717 2613
The next EBU Eurosonic Conference will be held in Hamburg, during the Reeperbahn Festival, at the kind invitation of NDR on 19-20 September. To register and for more information, please go here.
Themes and topics will include:
challenges (and opportunities) of radio music programming today in a time of streaming services
the importance and future of live music on air
the rise of podcasting
use of archive material
new and inspiring radio concepts and initiatives.
This will also be an opportunity to elect the Members of a new EBU Eurosonic Group for a two-year term (2019-2021). Persons wishing to stand as a candidate should inform Laurent Marceau (marceau@ebu.ch) by 16 September.
Egon Hotel
Königstraße 4
22767 Hamburg
First come, first served basis: 20 standard rooms / single use / EUR 115.00 per night, including breakfast and VAT
First come, first served basis: 25 comfort rooms / single use / EUR 125.00 per night, including breakfast and VAT
Participants are invited to book their room with the hotel directly by 29 July. Please contact sb@egonhotel.com, copying in travel@reeperbahnfestival.com, a.powell@ndr.de and j.wellershaus@ndr.de, using the following code reference: RBFC19-EBU
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR)
Rothenbaumchaussee 132, 20149 Hamburg
Reeperbahn Festival and Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR)
Contact for meeting:
Julia Wellershaus
NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk
International Relations/EBU Programme Exchanges and Assistance
+49 (0) 40 4156 2506
j.wellershaus@ndr.de / a.powell@ndr.de