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Accelerating European Media Innovation

Join us for the Accelerating European Media Innovation event and find out more about the latest media technology developments.

Innovation is essential to ensure the sustainability and development of Europe's media and creative industries in an increasingly global and competitive market place.

Come and discuss future media research and innovation projects and policy priorities for 2021-2027. Experience the exciting onsite demos and listen to experts and professionals analyse influencing trends in the media space.

For the last two years, MediaRoad, a Horizon 2020 funded project, has been supporting the transformation of the European media sector by building an ecosystem for innovation and strengthening collaboration between researchers, content creators, broadcasters and start-ups.

The European Broadcasting Union, one of the MediaRoad shareholders, has been driving media innovation with and on behalf of its member organizations for nearly 70 years. The EBU Technology & Innovation department fosters and coordinates the development, standardization and adoption of key innovations that benefit public service media, the European media sector and its audiences. T&I will present key developments and unveil new ones.



Hotel Renaissance
Rue du Parnasse, 19
B-1050 Brussels


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 761412.