Home Events EBU egta special workshop on cookie-less solutions
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EBU egta special workshop on cookie-less solutions

More and more companies active on the EU market are changing their business models to become less dependent on cookies and turn to consent management solutions instead, taking note of growing regulatory pressure (GDPR, ePrivacy, national bans on ‘cookie walls’) and global industry evolutions (deprecation of the third-party cookie by major browsers).

How to minimise the impact on the European audiovisual sector? How to make the best of strengthened privacy requirements?

This special workshop, organized by EBU in collaboration with egta (trade association of television and radio sales houses),  will expand on the issues at stake and possible ways forward. It will look at challenges and opportunities for audiovisual services to reap the benefits of ‘cookie-less’ solutions. General introductions on the context will be followed by a concrete use case presentation on privacy-friendly contextual advertising by Dutch sales house Ster and public service broadcaster NPO. Time will then be reserved for Q&As.

Videoconference connection details

For any question regarding the Webex connection details, please contact Mélanie Alexandre.