Home Events Sport Legal Group Meeting
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Sport Legal Group Meeting

The Sport/Legal Group considers business, legal and regulatory issues relating to sports including, but not limited to, EBU sports rights acquisition rules and procedures. It meets on an ad hoc basis, as required, and is restricted to a limited number of business and lawyer experts from EBU Members with particular experience in the area of sports and sports rights.


For any question regarding the videoconference connection details, please contact Mélanie Alexandre.


  • Non Fungible Tokens - Warren Phelops, Mike Llewellyn (Leading Legal Directory, Squire Patton Boggs)Members Only
  • Sport Piracy – EU Level Response - Anne-Sarah Skrebers (Head of Intellectual Property, EBU), Vincent Sneed (Senior EU Policy Adviser, EBU)Members Only
  • UEFA’s Proposal for a "Take-Down Tool" Update - Oliver Quast (Head of Sports Law, EBU)Members Only
  • The Creation of the Super League - Alexandre Fall (Senior Legal Counsel, EBU)Members Only
  • FIS On-Screen QR – Initiative - Oliver Quast (Head of Sports Law, EBU)Members Only