Home Events Media Freedom Act Ad hoc Group
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Media Freedom Act Ad hoc Group

This ad hoc group considers the Commission’s proposals for a new European Media Freedom Act. It combines members of the public service media (PSM) Funding and Governance, and the Content Regulation Groups. 


Agenda & Working documents

Agenda here

Public consultation for European Media Freedom Act (PDF version) here

Public consultation for European Media Freedom Act (Word version) here

Overview and EU Context_The upcoming European Media Freedom Act (25 Jan. 2022) here

Media Freedom Act Consultation_Preliminary views (25 Jan. 2022) here

Media Freedom Act_Preliminary Analysis (25 Jan. 2022) here



For any question regarding the videoconference connection details, please contact Mélanie Alexandre


  • Media Freedom Act - Next Steps - Media Freedom Act TeamMembers Only
  • Digital Services Act - Towards a Trilogue Agreement - Jenny Weinand (Senior Legal Counsel) & Thomas Bergmann (Senior EU Policy Adviser) (EBU Legal and Policy)Members Only