In 2022, RAI, the Italian public service broadcaster, published probably the most comprehensive research so far on the future of the radio and audio landscape in Europe and North America (USA and Canada). Originally in Italian only, the EBU has been delighted to join forces with RAI and HEC Pole Media Montreal to collaborate on making the publication accessible in English to the whole industry too.
An impressive number of professionals both from the EBU member organizations, the commercial and independent sectors as well as from researchers from universities across Europe have been interviewed to share their perspectives on the areas of their expertise and provide what comes out as a potential all-encompassing scenario for the way audio and radio landscape may move forward in Europe.
Noel Curran, EBU Director General, says in his preface for the English version: “Radio continues to be front and centre of changing listening habits because it responds so well to new and changing technologies. […] The need for news and information — delivered in a human voice — is stronger than ever.”
The English version is a slightly condensed digest of the in-depth Italian study and offers a valuable deep dive into the audio and radio panorama, especially across Europe and North America.