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Special Assistance Project becomes EBU Partnership Programme

19 June 2012
Special Assistance Project becomes EBU Partnership Programme

The EBU's Special Assistance Project, established three years ago to support Members facing particular difficulties, has been renamed the EBU Partnership Programme.

Director General Ingrid Deltenre said the new name better reflects the programme's spirit of solidarity.

"The word 'partnership' implies an interaction based on dialogue and equality, and of the EBU working with and alongside Members and other partners, rather than a top-down provision of aid," she said. "Our goal is to empower Members by sharing collective expertise."

The new name also ties in with a Partnership Agreement due to be signed in Brussels on 25 July by EBU President Jean-Paul Philippot and European Commissioner Stefan Füle.

The agreement will open the way to initial European Commission funding of €500,000 for EBU activities to strengthen public service media in countries aspiring to European Union membership.


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