About EBU workspace

A group space for collaborating with fellow Members and staff

Looking to work with fellow EBU Members and staff or share documents with event participants?
Sign up for the EBU Workspace, a Members-only space for networking, project collaboration, question forums and more. Please note that Workspace is restricted to EBU Members and partners. For additional support, please contact collaboration@ebu.ch.

To login

Simply click on the Workspace link in the EBU corporate header, and enter your login and password via EBU's single sign-on page, which provides access to all EBU sites. (Note: if you already have an account with Eurovision.net, you can use the same login).



Creating a new account

  1. Click on the Workspace link, and select "New User" on the bottom lefthand side of the box.
  2. Fill in the remaining fields using your professional email address, and select "Create account".
  3. If you are creating an account with an EBU Member domain address (eg schmitt@zdf.de, jones@bbc.co.uk, etc) access will be automatically granted. Otherwise you will receive a message requesting additional information (your company, phone number, reason for joining the Community, EBU department or person with whom you are in regular contact). Successful applicants will be notified by email and granted access to relevant Community groups. Approval may take some days.



Access the service