Home Events EBU Workshop ePrivacy and personalization of services
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EBU Workshop ePrivacy and personalization of services

In this workshop, members had the opportunity to share their experience and best practices regarding the provision of personalized services, including content recommendation. Exchanges were based on the results of a survey carried out by the EBU, which addressed the relationship between business needs for personalized services and the draft EU law on the privacy of electronic communication services.

Given the interdisciplinary dimension of the workshop, various approaches were presented from different perspectives e.g. legal, technical, digital and security. Discussions focused more specifically on the practical implications of the GDPR and the proposed ePrivacy Regulation as regards the cookie rule and consent management.

Indeed, legal requirements related to data protection may differ, depending on whether personalized services are provided to the user via a log in environment or through the use of cookies or similar tools. Members also received an update concerning the EBU Personalization Strategic Program and its new Data Science working group.


  • ePrivacy Regulation and service personalization: what is at stake? - Guenaëlle Collet, EBUMembers Only
  • Practical implications of the GDPR and ePrivacy rules on content personalization - Anne-Catherine Berg, EBUMembers Only
  • Tracking tools for personalization, profiling and users' privacy - Aleksi Rossi, YleMembers Only
  • Is users' consent always needed? - Bertrand Scirpo, FTVMembers Only
  • Privacy settings: accommodating business needs and legal requirements - Peter Farrell, BBCMembers Only
  • Recommendations, privacy and public values - Nick Ceton, NPOMembers Only