After the success of our inaugural event in Brussels, the 2nd Media Summit will take place in Porto on 28-29 May, hosted by RTP.

The Media Summit brings together content executives from EBU Member organizations to discuss content strategic challenges and opportunities for public service broadcasters. The event is also a platform to network, learn and exchange experiences among peers. The TV Assembly and the Digital Assembly also take place within the event.

This year, the Media Summit was built around the topic of “Relationships”: our relationship with audiences, with other public media organizations, and with key actors in our industry. How can we make these relationships work?

Topics for discussion included:

  • Building better Public Service Media brands
  • Connecting with young audiences
  • Trust and collaboration
  • Embracing diversity
  • Building strong PSM alliances

Case studies and other presentations from the Summit can be found at the bottom of this page.


The full programme is available on our event app. Please download “EBU Events” in the App Store/Google Play. To launch the app, all you have to do is to sign in with the email address used to register for the Media Summit event.


19:00 - Welcome event (on prior registration only)
On Monday evening, meet and mingle with your colleagues from all over Europe and beyond at the Casa da Música.

DAY 1 - TUE 28 MAY

9:00 to 13:10 - Media Summit Part 1
Topics: Building better PSM brands, Connecting with young audiences
Participants will split and join the corresponding assemblies:

14:00 to 18:00 - TV Assembly & Digital Assembly 

19:00 - Networking Dinner (on prior registration only)
Meet, connect and share fresh ideas with your colleagues and experts from other EBU Members at the Vinum Restaurant & Wine Bar, in Gaia.

DAY 2 - WED 29 MAY

9:00 to 13:15 - Media Summit Part 2 
Topics: Embracing diversity, Collaboration & alliances

14:30 to 17:00 - Social Event (on prior registration only)
Meet and connect with your colleagues from other EBU Members during a boat excursion.


Media Summit – Schedule Overview


The first edition of the EBU Media Summit took place in 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The role of media in a changing Europe, connecting with all audiences, digital transformation in PSM, new ways of distribution and disruptive media were some of the key topics discussed. The yearly EBU Radio, TV and Digital Assemblies also took part under the framework of the Summit, in order to discuss platform-based topics and needs. 

Our Moderator

Mrio-Augusto-ConvertImage.jpgMário Augusto

Mário is a very well-known RTP journalist. He presents a weekly TV magazine called “Janela Indiscreta” about cinema and TV. He is also a writer with many published books about the entertainment industry. 


Porto Palácio Congress Hotel
Av. da Boavista 1269
4100-130 Porto, Portugal


Registration is now closed! Please note that seats are limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hotel accommodation

Reservations are accepted on a first come first served basis

Participants are kindly requested to book directly with the hotel (via the reservation forms below)

Porto Palacio Congress & Spa Hotel

  • Special rate EUR 160 per night (single) valid until 30 March
  • To download reservation form click here

Bessa hotel

  • Special rate EUR 126 per night (single) valid until 27 March
  • To download reservation form click here





Madiana Asseraf-Jacob

Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Initiatives

Jamie Bartlett


Read biography

Tinatin Berdzenishvili

Director General, GPB (Georgia)

Read biography

Alexandra Brenkman

Senior Media Analyst

Tigran Danielyan

Director of Marketing and PR, AMPTV (Armenia)

Read biography

Tobias Degsell

Founder and CEO, Combiner

Read biography

Jean-Paul de la Fuente

Director, New7Wonders

Read biography

Jeroen Depraetere

Head of TV, EBU

Fredo De Smet

Curator of Media Fast Forward, VRT (Belgium)

Read biography

Jean Philip De Tender

Deputy Director General, Director of Media

Read biography

Antonella Di Lazzaro

Deputy Director Digital, RAI (Italy)

Read biography

Matan Drori

Head of Digital Content, KAN (Israel)

Read biography

Liselott Forsman

International Drama Executive, YLE (Finland)

Read biography

João Pedro Galveias

Director of Digital Services, RTP (Portugal)

Read biography

Maarten Janssen

Channel Manager Ketnet, VRT (Belgium)

Read biography

Luis Jimenez

News External Relations Manager & Digital News Lead

Christina Johannesson

Manager Future Competencies, SVT (Sweden)

Read biography

Frédéric Kaplan

Professor, EPFL

Read biography

Hanne Kautto

Head of YleX, Yle (Finland)

Read biography

Safia Kessas

Journalist, Columnist and Director, RTBF (Belgium)

Read biography

Bernhard Kessler

Media Research, ZDF (Germany)

Read biography

Konstantin Ksenofontov

Director of Office for corporate governance, strategy and accounting, RTR (Russian Federation)

Read biography

Fredrik Luihn

Head of Acquisitions, NRK (Norway)

Read biography

Aisling McCabe

Head of Strategic Platforms & Partnerships, RTÉ (Ireland)

Read biography

Neil McIntosh

Managing Editor, BBC Online, BBC (United Kingdom)

Read biography

Daniel Meyer

Director of Market Insights (Central Europe), Google

Read biography

Teresa Muñoz Guerra

Equality Diversity Technical Officer, RTVE (Spain)

Read biography

Jukka Niva

Head of Yle News Lab, Yle (Finland)

Judy Parnall

Head of Standards & Industry, BBC (United Kingdom)

Read biography

Michelle Roverelli

Director of Member Relations and Communications

Read biography

Eric Salobir

President, OPTIC

Read biography

Jon Ola Sand

Head of Live Events, EBU

Eric Scherer

Director of Innovation and Future Media, France Télévisions (France)

Read biography

Dr Sasha Scott

Head of Transformation Services, EBU

Luis Segadães

Director of National 7 Wonders Europe, New7Wonders

Read biography

Daniel de Sousa Rodrigues

Product Manager, RTP (Portugal)

Read biography

Markus Sterky

Programming Strategist & Format Acquisitions, SVT (Sweden)

Read biography

Steinunn Þórhallsdóttir

Director of Production and Processes, RÚV (Iceland)

Read biography

Wilko Van Iperen

Head of Innovation, Data & Intelligence, BNNVARA (Netherlands)

Read biography

Johan Wahlberg

Head of Digital Partnerships, SVT (Sweden)

Read biography

Miranda Wayland

Interim Head of Diversity and Inclusion, BBC (United Kingdom)

Read biography

Katie Young

Strategic Insights Manager, GlobalWebIndex

Read biography

Grace Zakka

Platform Strategy Lead, EBU


  • Flyer EU Election 2019 Members Only

  • Media Summit Agenda Members Only
  • Day 1

  • Welcome Message - Jean Philip De Tender, EBU Media DirectorMembers Only
  • Repurposing Our Brands (Opening Video) - Michelle Roverelli, EBUMembers Only
  • Repurposing Our Brands (Closing Video) - Michelle Roverelli, EBUMembers Only
  • Repurposing Our Brands - Eric Scherer, FTMembers Only
  • Repurposing Our Brands - Tinatin Berdzenishvili, GPBMembers Only
  • Repurposing Our Brands - Thorhallsdottir Steinunn, RUVMembers Only
  • Short Sharp: Ebu Connect 2019 Members Only
  • Truth about Gen Z - Katie Young, Global WebIndexMembers Only
  • PSM and Young Adults - Matana Drori, KANMembers Only
  • PSM and Young Adults - Hanne Kautto, YLEMembers Only
  • YleX Pop showreel - Hanne Kautto, YLEMembers Only
  • YleX Youtube - Hanne Kautto, YLEMembers Only
  • PSM and Young Adults - Tigran Danielyan, AMPTVMembers Only
  • PSM and Young Adults - Daniel Rodrigues, RTPMembers Only
  • Short Sharp: Ebu News Report, 50 Ways To Make It Better - Luis Jimenez, EBUMembers Only
  • Short Sharp: Ebu News Report, 50 Ways To Make It Better (Prezi - PC Only) - Luis Jimenez, EBUMembers Only
  • Day 2

  • Keynote Speech: Trust, Collaboration and Diversity - Tobias Degsell, CombinerMembers Only
  • Embracing Diversity - Safia Kessas, RTBFMembers Only
  • Embracing Diversity - Miranda Wayland, BBCMembers Only
  • Diversity Reel - Miranda Wayland, BBCMembers Only
  • Embracing Diversity - Teresa Muñoz, RTVEMembers Only
  • Short Sharp: Eurovision Time Machine - Chantal Bernheim (RTS) and Prof. Kaplan (EPFL)Members Only
  • Collaboration & Alliances - Alexandra Brenkman, EBUMembers Only
  • Collaboration & Alliances (Keynote - Mac only) - Johan Wahlberg, SVTMembers Only
  • Collaboration & Alliances - Ezra Eeman, EBUMembers Only
  • Collaboration & Alliances - Kessler Bernhard, ZDF and Daniel Meyer, GoogleMembers Only
  • Digital Assembly

  • Digital Assembly Agenda Members Only
  • A Year in Digital Members Only
  • Short Pitches: Sandbox MediaRoad Members Only
  • Panel: Trust and Technology Members Only
  • Case Study: RTR - Konstantin Ksenofontov, RTRMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Award show Gouden Ks - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Buck Video 1 - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Buck Video 2 - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Like me Video 1 - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • Case Study: KetNet - Like me Video 2 - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • EBU Kids Strategy - Madiana Asseraf, EBUMembers Only
  • TV Assembly

  • TV Assembly Agenda Members Only
  • EBU Drama Initiative - Markus Sterky (SVT) and Jeroen Depraetere (EBU)Members Only
  • News from the Northern Front - Fredrik Luihn, NRKMembers Only
  • Case Study ‘New7Wonders’ - Nuno Vaz (RTP), Jean-Paul de la Fuente (N7W) and Luis Segadães (N7W)Members Only
  • Case Study ‘Bullying’ - Maarten Janssen, VRTMembers Only
  • TV Activities report - Jon Ola Sand (EBU), Madiana Asseraf (EBU) and Jeroen Depraetere (EBU)Members Only