Home Events Strategies and Best Practice to achieve Diverse and Inclusive TV Content Offers
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Strategies and Best Practice to achieve Diverse and Inclusive TV Content Offers

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are critical to the mission of public-service broadcasters, who are charged with creating programming offers that are relevant across every part of the societies they serve. Implementation of strong DEI policies can allow broadcasters to increase their reach and better meet the needs of their audiences.

This panel session aims to showcase examples and case studies of where diversity and inclusivity initiatives at organizational, commissioning or production levels have yielded particularly successful content initiatives.


A distinguished panel of experts will present their organizations’ success stories and discuss emerging themes:

  • Welcome and meeting objectives: Matthew Trustram and Madiana Asseraf (EBU)
  • Introduction: EBU Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative: Francesca Scott (EBU)

First panel

  • "Stimulus package for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Can a financial investment create long term sustainable change for greater representation, both on and off screen" - Miranda Wayland (BBC) 
  • "The Spectrum Awards: The annual internal awards for best practice in relationship to SVT’s diversity and inclusion poilicy" - Markus Sterky (SVT)
  • "Diversity & Inclusion at SRG SSR: Implementing change top down and bottom up" - Severine Schori-Vogt (SRG SSR)
  • Panel discussion with speakers

Second panel

  • "Education, a key element for diversity and inclusion - Examples of RTVE's offer of diverse and inclusive content" - Teresa Muñoz (RTVE)
  • "Inclusive Content at RAI and DEI policies - Case study of TV series 'Everybody is perfect'" - Gaelle Armentano Conte (RAI)
  • "Océan: Série documentaire autoportrait intime d'un homme trans" - Gwenaelle Signaté (France TV)
  • Panel discussion with speakers


  • A Stimulus Package for change - BBCMembers Only
  • The Spectrum Awards - SVTMembers Only
  • Implementing change: top down and bottom up - SRGMembers Only
  • Education, a key element for diversity and inclusion - RTVEMembers Only
  • Inclusive content at RAI: Case study "Everybody is perfect" - RAIMembers Only
  • Océan: Une série documentaire sur l’identité de genre - France TVMembers Only
  • DEI Strategic Initiative - EBUMembers Only
  • How to achieve diversity, equity and inclusion on-screen and off-screen Members Only