This AIDI sync call hosted by RTBF will be the 8th installment of the 'Spotlight' series of AIDI sync calls, in which each month a Member organization and their work with AI and data are put under the spotlight.

As a public media broadcasting company, RTBF is committed to deliver news and multimedia content to the general audience in an engaging way. Growing amounts of in-house produced and purchased content are offered through the RTBF and Auvio platforms deployed across multiple digital touchpoints. Reaching the right audience with the right content at the right time is an essential capability. Data and AI are therefore taking increasingly the center stage of their efforts. RTBF wants to share with you their journey over the past 2 years and discuss:

  • How they started to integrate data-driven reviews of their platforms in the RTBF organization,
  • How they adjusted their algorithmic development strategy to become more transparent by constructing a content DNA,
  • How they struggled with data-related technology challenges and how they organize themselves to face it
  • How AI can help to tag content that bears subjectivity or signals social tendencies.

The team is looking forward to present and discuss their journey in interaction with you!


Loic De Visscher is innovation manager at RTBF. He develops innovation processes and projects inside the company and also partnerships with the academic sector, startups, corporates and economic development stakeholders. 

Patrick Glenisson is part of RTBF’s central Data team and oversees the development of the different recommendation engines and data products.

Samuel Profumo is RTBF chief data officer and his role encompasses data governance, data strategy and data protection.

Thierry Gaudier is the Artificial Intelligence referent in the technology department and his mission is to explore the possibilities offered by AI in the context of the media.


Please contact Lalya Gaye for more information about how to attend this series of events if you are not an AIDI member.