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Successful social media strategies for music radio stations

Nowadays, music and social media go hand in hand. There is an art to keeping our audiences engaged on social media. We’re constantly working to remind them of our music content and broadcasts while trying to stay relevant and make the most of the platforms we use. But what are the most effective music strategies out there, and why are they so successful? How do we strike the right note with followers and maintain a unique identity? Representatives from music radio stations will walk us through their techniques. 

In partnership with

EBU Digital Unit


Grace Zakka


Platform Strategy Lead, EBU

Erika Favaro

Social Team, Rai Radio 3 (Italy)

Enzo Galipon

Programme Advisor, Mouv', Radio France (France)

Julia Schwarz

Editor Digital Development, BR-KLASSIK/ARD-Klassik (Germany)