EBU awarded EQUAL-SALARY Certification
12 October 2020
The EBU is delighted to have been awarded EQUAL-SALARY certification by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, after passing both a scientific salary analysis and an internal audit led by PwC.
The EBU is the first public media organization to be EQUAL-SALARY certified.
EQUAL-SALARY certification is the first and only certification, based on a robust and transparent methodology, that focuses on equal pay for women and men.
EQUAL-SALARY Foundation Founder Véronique Goy Veenhuys said: “The EBU leads by example in the public media sector. At the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, we strongly believe that commitments like the EBU just gave with its certification will open the path to other organizations and bring the future of equal pay to the next level.”
The EQUAL-SALARY certification allows organizations to verify and communicate that they pay women and men fairly.
EBU Director General Noel Curran said: “We are completely committed to ensuring that everyone at the EBU is paid equally and has the same opportunities for development and growth. It’s a core part of our values. But it’s not only the right thing to do, it’s also the best for our business.
“Our organization thrives on a diversity of views and ideas and we want to ensure we attract, and retain, the very best talent irrespective of gender.
“Equal salary certification demonstrates our commitment to a fair wage policy that benefits everyone.”
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