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The 2021 Media Summit brought together our Radio, TV, and Digital Assemblies for an insightful online event. Sign in to watch the recording in the "Video Talks" section below. You'll find usefull market insight from keynote presenters, case studies from EBU Members, how public media generally tackled common challenges throughout the coronavirus pandemic and how they are transforming to meet the needs of future digital users.
Detailed agendas:
Video Talks

Public service radio and the way aheadMembers Only

EBU Radio Committee, workplan review 2019-2020Members Only

The impact of the Euroradio Music ExchangeMembers Only

What's driving radio in the car?Members Only

Building a work culture that breeds innovationMembers Only

TV Assembly introduction and a call to action from the EBU PresidentMembers Only

TV year overview and bringing together content, co-production and acquisitions communitiesMembers Only

European Drama and Documentary Co-production: How to move ahead in the current complex landscape?Members Only

How the new BBC genre-first commissioning process better fulfills audience needsMembers Only